Can renewable energy displace fossil fuels as we electrify our homes to combat climate change?

 This presenation combines material from three Carbon Footprint sessions and was presented by Zoom to Grantham u3a in 2021. Click on the ling to start a Powerpoint presenation.

Presentation to Grantham u3a

Home heating and power, transport and food, 27th October 2022

Here is the link to material from the third presentation Home heating and power, transport and food.  Click on it to start a Powerpoint presentation.

Home heating and power, transport and food

The fall and rise of renewable energy, 27th February 2020

 Here is a link to the second STEM presentation, The fall and rise of renewable energy.  Click on it and it will open in a Powerpoint presenation.

Electric power - the fall and rise of renewables

The rise and fall of coal, 30th January 2020

Here is the link to the first of the presentations, The rise and fall of coal.  Click on it and it will open a Powwerpoint presenation.

Electric power - the rise and fall of coal